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Frequently asked questions

- Besides Chinese and English, do you teach Spanish?

Yes, Spanish classes are now included in our daily schedule. Mandarin Chinese is still the main focus, as it takes roughly 55% of the instructional time.

- What is Project-based learning?

Project-based learning is an inquiry-based and dynamic approach to instruction in which students analyze real-world issues or tackle an essential question. Each class has at least one project per semester in which students collaborate, explore, make choices, think critically and create a product for a real audience. A primary goal of the program is to inspire students to obtain deeper knowledge about the subjects they are studying.

- Do you provide lunch?

Students should bring their own lunch, but there is also an emergency lunch program option. Please ask the office for details.

- What is your teacher-to-student ratio?

We have the capacity to go up to 1:14. Most classes are smaller than 1:12. In 2023-2024, the staff-to-student ratio in Costa Mesa campus is 1:4.

- What is your enrollment procedure?

1. Arrange a campus visit with an Admissions Counselor. (Email:

2. Submit the application with all required documents and application fee of $250.00.

3. Schedule a student interview and language assessment. 

4. Enroll upon acceptance.

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